VEX Robotics

2023 - Little Kinmen

G5 Kathy and Phoebe got first place the maze solving contest at Leiyu Junior Highschool.

2022 - VEX IQ SlapShot

New Robot!

2022 Taiwan Open Hsinchu

Girl Power - Phoebe & Kathy - 3rd Place Teamwork

Terminator - Hulk & Jake - 1st Place Teamwork

Live Video Hsinchu VEX IQ Taiwan Open

Hsinchu Event Pics

Hupu - Slapshot Driving Competition

Classroom - Building the Field Components

Livestreaming our game during Covid

2020 - 2021 - Hsinchu VEX Taiwan Open

Hulk and Phoebe got 3rd place at this competition.

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